Local Resources - Holliston

Holliston Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts empowers girls. As Girl Scouts, girls make new friends, explore new places, learn leadership and social skills, help their community, and make a difference in the world! Founded by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, Georgia on March 12, 1912, Girl Scouts serves more than 2.3 million girl members from kindergarten through 12th grade. Our age-appropriate groups are led by committed and knowledgeable volunteers who are trained to help girls reach their full potential and promote self esteem. Girl Scouts is a “girl-led” program in which girls work together as a troop to make decisions


Holliston Boy Scouts

Welcome, to the Scouting family. In Scouting we do our best to enrich the lives of the boys and make a difference in the kind of men they become. Since 1910, it has been the mission of the Boy Scouts of America to prepare young people to make ethical choices over their life by installing the Scouting Values.


Holliston Pantry Shelf

The Holliston Pantry Shelf supplies food free of charge to Holliston residents in need. The Pantry is different from other food pantries in several aspects.

  • The Pantry is open five days a week all year.
  • The Pantry allows clients to shop for their own food, a completely unique approach. T
  • The Pantry has no paid staff and relies on volunteers to run it. Therefore, all money received goes either toward buying food or maintaining the space for the Pantry.
Visit our website for more information:


Holliston in Bloom

Holliston in Bloom is about building community and integrating nature and plants into making our public spaces welcoming and beautiful!
